Turnover Studies

From manufacturing, to service, and information-rich sectors like healthcare and education. Focus on EQ during hiring selection and training generates dramatic reduction in turnover rates. These industries often see over 50% reductions in yearly turnover. Supervisor, Manager and Leader training have the greatest impact.

McClelland, "Identifying Competencies with behavioral event interviews," Psychological Science, 9(5) 331-340, 1998

Predictive Value of EQ on Job Satisfaction and Retention: Kafetsios, K., & Zampetakis, L. A. Emotional intelligence and job satisfaction: Testing the mediatory role of positive and negative affect at work. Personality and Individual Differences, 44, 712-722. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2007.10.004 2008

Jennings, S. and Palmer, B, "Enhancing Sales Performance Through Emotional Intelligence Development", Organisations & People, May 2007, Vol 14. No 2. Organisations & People, May 2007, Vol 14. No 2, and personal correspondence with Dr. Palmer. The sales-people in the study were selected because all were in the in the same revenue band starting at $460k/mo in sales.

Sales Gains

Nearly every measure of sales shows gains when staff have improved EI skills—whether it is sales per employee, net profit, sales per inventory dollar, or square foot in retail; whether staff is in customer facing roles or management. Teams typically see a % growth in the double digits, netting 7-figure gains for teams as small as 20. Sectors studied:  retail, pharma, medical, manufacturing & defense.

Lusch, R. F., & Serpkeuci, R. (1990). "Personal differences, job tension, job outcomes, and store performance: A study of retail managers," Journal of Marketing.

Jennings, S. and Palmer, B, Enhancing Sales Performance Through Emotional Intelligence Development, Organisations & People, May 2007, Vol 14. No 2. The sales-people in the study were selected because all were in the in the same revenue band starting at $460k/mo in sales.

E.J. Rozell, C.E. Pettijohn & R.S. Parker. Emotional Intelligence and Dispositional Affectivity as Predictors of Performance in Sales People, 2006


Gains start at 10% in productivity and upward, post-EI training. Consider what a “small” increase of 10% translates to in dollars. For some organizations, this is a training ROI in excess of 500%! On the flip side, grievances and lost time incidents show dramatic reductions—by 50% in many cases.

David C McClelland, "Identifying competencies with behavioural event interviews," Psychological Science, 9(5) 331 – 340, 1998

Porras, J. I., & Anderson, B. (1981). "Improving managerial effectiveness through modeling-based training," Organizational Dynamics, 9, 60-77

Lusch, R. F., & Serpkeuci, R. (1990). "Personal differences, job tension, job outcomes, and store performance: A study of retail managers," Journal of Marketing


Job Satisfaction, adaptability, and engagement all show gains by improving EI. Engagement is the benchmark for retention and productivity in today’s ever-tightening labor market. Interestingly, when comparing intellectual, managerial and emotional competencies the one with the most impact on performance is emotional competency. These performance gains occur at the individual and organizational level.

Ethical Impact: Deshpande, S.P. A study of ethical decision making by physicians and nurses in hospitals. Journal of Business Ethics, 90, 387-397 2009

Leadership Efficacy: C Dulewicz , M Young, & V. Dulewicz, The relevance of emotional intelligence for leadership performance. Journal of General Management, 30 (3), 71-86, 2005

Job Satisfaction and EQ: Kafetsios, K., & Zampetakis, L. A. Emotional intelligence and job satisfaction: Testing the mediatory role of positive and negative affect at work. Personality and Individual Differences, 44, 712-722. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2007.10.004 2008

Job Satisfaction and Adaptability: Michael Sony, Nandakumar Mekoth, "The relationship between emotional intelligence, frontline employee adaptability, job satisfaction and job performance," Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Volume 30, May 2016, Pages 20-32, ISSN 0969-6989